Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You are my all in all: Song for Sunday School 2

Words of the song

You are my all in all (original)

1. (C)You are my strength(G) when I (Am) am weak.
You are the (Em) treasure that(F) I seek
(G)You are my all(C) in all(G).
(C)Seeking you(G) as a precious(Am) jewel.
Lord(Em) to give up, I'd be(F) a fool
(G)You are my(C) all in all(C).

(C)Jesus,(G) Lamb(Am) of God(Em),
(F)Worthy is Your(G) name (C).
(C)Jesus, (G) Lamb(Am) of God(Em),
(F)Worthy is(G) Your name(C).

2. Taking my sin,my cross, my shame
Rising again, I bless your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down, You pick me up
When I am dry, You fill my cup
You are my all in all.

Teaching English through this song

Giving clear instructions
work out the right order for your instructions
keep your sentences short and simple
number your instructions if you wish
use command verbs
use the present or sometimes the future tense

How To Make A Toy Car
What you will need:
A small box
A large box
Chop Sticks
Paint and a Paint Brush

Take your small box and glue the bottom of it and stick it to your large box.
Pierce two holes in on both sides of the large box with a pencil and put the chopsticks in through one side and out of the other.
Take your cardboard and cut four circles out and put them on the ends of the chop sticks.

Two possible themes in this song
1) Ideals or being perfect.
Think about what situation is perfect, or a perfect room, or a perfect day. This song is about God who is perfect in every situation in our lives. God is the perfect match, provider and complete. The singer acknowledges that to give up God would be foolish. Write about a perfect______ and why it is foolish to give it up.

2) Writing Odes or words of praise and address it to an object or a person. The ode to the classroom for example. It is a poem of celebration.

Pronoun use
Addressing another person.
The use of the “you” is used to address other people. You is used most often in speech writing or giving advice. There is a very personal quality about using the word you. You are my all in all means the song gives the idea of sharing information in a direct and personalised manner.
The use of you is used in giving instructions on how to do something or in a speech in a formal setting.

Language Items at all levels
Personal pronouns: I, you, we, it
Demonstrative pronoun: This, that these, those
Lower Primary:
Possessive pronoun: mine, his, hers, yours, theirs, ours.
The problem with “its”.
Relative: who, which, that, whose, where, whom.
Reciprocal pronoun: each other, one another
Upper Primary/ Secondary
Sentence stretching
The cat ate the food
The fat cat ate the fresh food quickly. (Add adjectives and adverbs)
The fat cat, who had not eaten for a few days, ate the fresh food that his owner bought. (Add relative pronoun)
The plumb Persian cat who had been starving for a few days gobbled down the fresh fish that his owner has bought for dinner. (Add precise words)

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